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Benefits of Managed AI Content Marketing


AI content tools are revolutionizing content production. In this article we provide clarity on the new concept of managed AI content marketing, and discuss its benefits for brands.

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In the dynamic world of content marketing, producing high-quality content efficiently is crucial. As a content leader and early adopter of AI tools, I have a front-row seat to the game-changing combination of human creativity and artificial intelligence. This post delves into the nuanced and exciting realm of managed AI content and its revolutionary impact on content production.

What Is “Managed AI Content?”

Let’s unravel the concept of managed AI content.

Imagine blending human finesse with the high-octane performance of AI-driven content creation tools such as OpenAI’s Chat GPT or Jasper’s AI Writer. Just as a Formula 1 driver relies on a powerful racing machine to bring him to the finish line before his competition, human content experts increasingly rely on AI content tools to deliver content with speed and power.

Simply put, managed AI content is copy, visuals, or any other type of creative output that is crafted by human experts with the aid of AI tools.

Driven by strategically crafted prompts from human content experts, AI flexes its muscles by generating content and corrections with remarkable speed. Human experts further fine-tune this content to resonate with the audience and uphold brand voice. This alliance forges the path for crafting impactful content.

7 Benefits of Managed AI Content Marketing

AI tools offer numerous benefits to marketers, chiefly among them:

  1. Quality at Scale
  2. Massive Productivity Lifts
  3. Cost Efficiency
  4. Brand Voice Customization
  5. Warp Speed Research
  6. Consistency and Precision
  7. Comprehensive Content Expertise

Now, let’s look under the hood at each of these benefits of managed AI content to understand why they matter.

1. Quality at Scale

AI tools can create a vast array of content at breakneck speed. However, quality remains paramount, and AI tools aren’t perfect. The human touch in a managed AI approach ensures that while content is generated in abundance, it remains engaging, relevant and accurate. With managed AI, scaling doesn’t entail sacrificing quality.

2. Massive Lifts in Productivity

Who wouldn’t want to cut their content production time by half, or more? Crafting impeccable content takes time. With AI shouldering the load, content creators can focus on honing the message. This collaborative approach translates into quicker turnaround without sacrificing precision.

3. Cost Efficiency

Merging human acumen with AI is economically savvy. AI reduces the person-hours required, which typically constitute a substantial portion of content creation expenses. Moreover, the efficiency of managed AI content leads to a higher return on investment.

4. Brand Voice Customization

Through adaptive algorithms, AI can be trained to mirror a brand’s distinctive voice and tone. Human oversight refines this customization, giving birth to content that reflects the brand’s essence. This is pivotal in forging brand identity and cultivating connection with target audiences.

5. Warp Speed Research

One of AI’s superpowers is its capacity to sift through and summarize extensive research in a fraction of the time it would take a human. Human supervision ensures that these AI-generated summaries are reviewed for accuracy and seamlessly woven into the content, endowing it with depth and relevance.

6. Consistency and Precision

Upholding a consistent brand voice and message is essential. Managed AI content brings together human and machine vigilance to ensure consistency throughout the content. Moreover, AI’s keen eye for detail excels at identifying and correcting typos, grammatical errors, and style inconsistencies, resulting in polished content.

7. Comprehensive Content Expertise

In traditional content production, you’d usually find an ensemble of experts, each specializing in a particular type of content, be it blogs, whitepapers, search-engine-optimized webpages, social media posts, emails, or ad copy. With AI tools, there’s a jack-of-all-trades in the mix, adept at swiftly navigating various content formats. 

This ability to multitask the structural aspects means human content experts are released from the constraints of format-specific expertise. They can fully immerse themselves in refining the subtleties, such as voice, tone, and thematic elements, and can creatively experiment with content.

Managed AI Content Marketing — A Versatile Powerhouse for Content Innovation

At the confluence of human ingenuity and AI’s high-velocity performance, managed AI content emerges as a powerful catalyst for content mastery.

With AI tools masterfully navigating content structures, initial research, rough drafts, and rote reviews, creative teams find themselves with a broader canvas for innovation. Not only is there a significant reduction in content creation time, but the spectrum of content quality is elevated – brand voice customization, rapid research integration, and comprehensive content expertise come to the fore. 

Managed AI content serves as a versatile powerhouse, enabling organizations to achieve unparalleled finesse and scale. This fusion of AI’s capabilities with human creativity holds the key to unlocking the next level of content marketing excellence.

At Smyth Managed AI Content Marketing, we are zealous about harmonizing AI technology with human acumen. If scaling content production without compromising on quality and authenticity resonates with you, reach out to us. Together, we can unlock the potential of managed AI content for your brand.